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New to Invoice Factoring? Avoid These Common Mistakes


December 12, 2018

It’s been estimated that if all invoices were paid on time, U.S. small businesses could collectively hire 2.1 million more employees, which would reduce unemployment by 27 percent. That’s just one reason why more and more businesses are working with invoice and freight bill factoring services. But before you decide whether this service is right for your financial needs, it’s important to understand the process to avoid making some common mistakes.

Not reading over your invoice factoring services contract thoroughly. 

This is a mistake that can lead to discrepancies and overall dissatisfaction. But as is the case with any number of financial services, everything you need to know is clearly laid out in the contract — you just need to take the time to read every word. Otherwise, don’t be surprised if you incur additional fees or other consequences you weren’t aware of. Read every word and have a clear understanding of your contract before making it official with your signature.

Not being upfront with your clients about working with a factoring company

Most clients will have no problem working with a business that uses invoice and freight bill factoring services. After all, it shouldn’t affect any part of the quality of service they receive. You don’t want to keep them in the dark, especially because a factoring company representative will be contacting them about invoices and collections. Simply let them know that a third party will be handling your invoices and collections processes moving forward. You may even be able to provide better and faster service to your clients because you’ve outsourced these time-consuming tasks to another company.

Not considering invoice factoring as a solution to your cash flow problems

Small businesses (defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees) account for 99.7% of all business in the United States. If your business is one of them, and you frequently have trouble getting your clients to pay their invoices on time, invoice factoring should be among the services you consider.

According to a U.S. Bank study, 82% of businesses that fail do so because of cash flow problems, and invoice factoring is one of the most efficient ways to get immediate and ongoing cash flow for your business without incurring debt.

Ultimately, avoiding these mistakes is the best way to optimize your business’s finances and cash flow. For more information about business invoice factoring, contact Triumph, formerly known as Triumph Business Capital.