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Is Invoice Factoring Right for You?


November 22, 2016

Invoice factoring is a saving grace for many industries, from transportation and staffing to small and mid-size businesses as well as government contractors. In fact, invoice factoring can offer welcome financial relief if you’re just starting a business, have bad credit, can’t get funding from banks, or are at risk of losing your business.

How Does Invoice Factoring Work?

Invoice factoring lets you convert your invoices into immediate cash to cover operating costs without taking on debt. You simply perform a service for your customer or deliver a product, and send your invoice to a factoring company like Triumph, formerly known as Triumph Business Capital to get paid. You immediately receive payment upon completion of the load or job being invoiced.

The process is simple and virtually seamless. Triumph purchases the invoice. If you’re a recourse client, Triumph takes the factoring fee out, then a small portion of that invoice goes into a reserve account, usually 5 or 10 percent. This “advance rate” of 90 or 95% is released once the invoice is paid.

If you’re in a non-recourse agreement, you receive 100% of invoice minus the factoring fee. Since the factor assumes all risk in this type of agreement, there is no reserve held in the event that an invoice does not pay.

The pros

You get money when you need it.

Invoice factoring is fast cash in the bank to help cover day-to-day expenses, restock materials, pay staff—or just about anything you need. The alternative? Wait . . . wait . . . wait . . . and then wait even longer—30 days, 60 days, or more—to get paid by clients. But with fast cash in hand, you can keep loyal customers on longer payment terms.

Your invoice factoring company grows with you.

Compare invoice factoring to a traditional bank loan and there’s no competition. Bad credit? Limited operating history? Loan declined? No problem. Invoice factoring companies base their decision on the quality of your customers’ credit, not your own credit or business history. You get cash based on your invoices, not your company’s net worth.

The cons

You might pay higher fees than traditional financing.

Invoice factoring can have higher fees than traditional financing—but it’s a small price to pay for peace of mind. Triumph’s fee takes into account the credit risk associated with your customers and the time it takes them to pay their invoices. In fact, invoice factoring provides cash flow that meets your business where it is today and can grow as your business grows because it’s based on your actual account receivables.

Always transparent, always fair, Triumph, formerly known as Triumph Business Capital offers options that match each client’s financing needs without incurring debt.

Your factor may work directly with your customer.

Invoice factoring companies work directly with your customers to collect payments on your invoices. You’ll need to ensure that the factoring company you choose is ethical, fair, and respectful. Triumph, formerly known as Triumph Business Capital is a proud member of the International Factoring Association (IFA), and strictly adheres to the IFA’s code of ethics. We ensure a smooth transition for both you and your customers.

Your financing depends on your customer’s credit.

Lastly, recognize that your customer’s bad credit may derail your financing. The factoring company may reject your invoices to any customer that isn’t creditworthy.

Three questions to consider

How do you know if invoice factoring is right for you? Ask yourself these three simple questions.

  1. Can my problem be fixed by factoring?
  2. Can I cover the cost of factoring and still make a profit?
  3. Are my customers creditworthy?

Ready to get started? Learn how Triumph, formerly known as Triumph Business Capital can help you factor your invoices—because the hardest part about your job shouldn’t be getting paid.