Cash flow problems can cause you to put the brakes on your trucking business. Before you find yourself running on empty, take a look at freight factoring; it’s cash flow without debt.
You may have heard of this type of financing before around the truck stop or at trade shows under different names like truck factoring, accounts receivable financing or even transportation factoring. Despite the name, the purpose is the same: to get you cash when you need it.
What is Freight Factoring?
Factoring companies like Triumph, formerly known as Triumph Business Capital can purchase your outstanding invoices for a small fee, so you don’t have to wait 30, 60 or even 90 days to get paid.
With that extra cash in hand, you now can pay your drivers (or your salary), insurance costs, fuel and other expenses eating at you. If you’ve been thinking about growing your trucking business, freight factoring can help you buy more trucks and hire more drivers.
With truck factoring, slow paying customers don’t have to slow you down.
Freight bill factoring isn’t one size fits all. It grows with your business. Through recourse and non-recourse factoring, you can tailor factoring to fit your business.
What to Look for with a Factoring Company
Your transportation factoring company will be dealing a lot with your money, so the first thing you want to look for is a team you can trust. Make sure you have the ability to see the status of your funding whenever and wherever you need to.
Yes, a rate is important, but a freight factoring company you can trust is of greater importance. That low rate isn’t going to do you any good when your factoring company won’t communicate with you about when you will get your money.
You should also look for a trucking factoring company that partners with others who offer helpful services to truckers.
Stability is another important aspect to look for in your freight factoring company. Because your factoring company deals with your cash, you want to make sure it is financially stable. Along with Triumph’s financial stability in Triumph Bancorp, it also has the ability to offer your business various financial services- insurance, equipment financing and even asset based lending.
Freight factoring could be the answer to your inconsistent cash flow. Feel free to give an expert at Triumph a call at 866-368-2482.
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