Cash is king. You know this as well as anyone else. Without cash, you can find yourself in some pretty uncomfortable situations, like not having enough money for payroll, or making late payments to vendors and bill collectors.
So what can you do to manage your cash flow effectively? Let’s take a look at three quick and easy ways to increase your cash flow—and help you sleep at night.
1. Sell or lease unused assets
You paid good money for your assets and, even if you’re no longer using some of them, it’s time to put that investment to work again. Take an inventory of the assets you’re not currently using and consider selling or leasing them.
How do you shed the assets? Use your industry contacts, such as suppliers, to find buyers or lessees. Also search for websites that specialize in auctions for your industry. For assets with significant value, contact a business broker.
2. Deposit additional cash into interest-earning accounts
This one’s a bit of a no-brainer. Let the banks work for you for a change. Deposit any cash you won’t need for a while into an interest-bearing account so it can grow. Look for an insured account with the highest interest your financial institution offers and let your money sit there.
Here’s a tip: If you’re concerned about locking your funds away in a long-term account like a certificate of deposit, consider a money market account instead. Money market accounts offer greater interest than regular savings accounts, while still giving you access to your funds. After all, cash flow is what you’re after—not more restrictions.
3. Factor your receivables
Invoice factoring is perhaps one of the smartest cash flow solutions out there. In fact, this is how many other small to mid-size businesses manage cash flow effectively.
You may be asking yourself: How does invoice factoring work? Here’s how. Simply send your invoices to a factoring company like Triumph, formerly known as Triumph Business Capital and we’ll fund the money straight to your bank account—usually within 24 hours.
Keep in mind that we verify the creditworthiness of your customer. If the customer has a history of missed or late payments, the invoice may not be approved for the financing.
Get paid today
We believe that getting paid shouldn’t be the hardest part of your job.
When you factor your invoices with Triumph, you’ll also gain access to a host of back office solutions. Solutions like free credit checks to make sure your clients have the ability to pay; and collection services to get your money from those who won’t pay.
Ready to get started? Factor your invoices with Triumph, formerly known as Triumph Business Capital and get paid today.